Michelle Butler

The BEDG has given me the opportunity to exhibit in international trade shows. Due to their help and support I have shown in New York, Frankfurt, Paris and Prague. I have gained international business through these trade shows and very much appreciate the hard work that the BEDG put into promoting British design abroad.

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ICFF 2013

18.05.2013 - 21.05.2013

Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center

Visit the British European Design Group Contingent at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair 2013 in Hall 1A from May 18-21.

The International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) is widely recognised as America’s leading event for contemporary interior design.

North America’s singular showcase for contemporary design, the ICFF draws the most intrepid seekers of design truth and design trends to an extraordinary exhibition of the most inspired models of design on the forefront.

For the four-day duration of the Fair, 145,000 net square feet (13,500 net square meters) of the Javits Center will be abuzz with more than 25,000 interior designers, architects, retailers, designers, manufacturers, representatives, distributors, and developers. On Tuesday, May 22, the ICFF opens its doors to the general public, as well.

"The 25th annual International Contemporary Furniture Fair, North America’s platform for global design, will map the newest frontier of what’s best and what’s next at New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, May 18-21, 2013."

More than 500 exhibitors will display contemporary furniture, seating, carpet and flooring, lighting, outdoor furniture, materials, wall coverings, accessories, textiles, and kitchen and bath for residential and commercial interiors.

This assemblage of national and international exhibitors affords the chance to experience the most selective scope of the globe's finest, most creative, individual, and original avant-garde home and contract products – handily and temptingly showcased in one venue.

This year's special Feature exhibitions by the British European Design Group for "AfriqueAuthentique-AuthenticAfrica" and the "African & African-Caribbean Design Diaspora" can be found in the North Wing of the ICFF.

Supported by:
UK Trade & Investment


Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
655 West 34th Street
New York, NY 10001, USA
Twitter: @icff


1. ABIGAIL EDWARDS LTD www.abigailedwards.com
2. ALISON APPLETON LTD www.alisonappleton.com
3. AMINA TECHNOLOGIES LTD www.amina.co.uk
4. ANITA BELL RUGS www.escapelandscaperugdesign.com
5. AROOPY INC www.aroopyinc.com
6. BOEME DESIGN www.boeme.co.uk
7. CAMILLA MEIJER www.camillameijer.com
8. CHARLIE CROWTHER – SMITH FURNITURE www.charliecrowther-smith.com
9. CRAIG JENKINS DESIGNS www.craigjenkinsdesigns.com
10. CURIOUSA & CURIOUSA www.curiousa.co.uk
11. DAB DESIGNS www.donaldbaugh.com
12. DAVID HAYWARD DESIGN LTD www.davidhayward.com
13. DDQ DESIGN LTD www.ddqdesign.co.uk
14. DE FERRANTI LTD www.deferranti.com
15. DUPENNY www.dupenny.com
16. ELLI POPP www.ellipopp.com
17. EMERALD FAERIE www.emeraldfaerie.com
18. ERCOL www.ercol.com (independent)
19. FANDINDO TEXTILES www.fandindo.com
20. HONEYDEW RABBIT www.honeydewrabbit.com
21. HOUSE OF HACKNEY LIMITED www.houseofhackney.com
22. INNERMOST www.innermost.net
23. JAKE DYSON PRODUCTS LLP www.jakedyson.com (independent)
24. JEREMY COLE T/A LIGHTWARE NZ LTD www.jeremycole.net
25. JIMMIE MARTIN www.jimmiemartin.com
26. Lilite by ALI SIAVOSHI www.alialiali.com
27. MELIN TREGWYNT MILL www.melintregwynt.co.uk
28. MEYSTYLE LTD www.meystyle.com (independent)
29. MUMO LTD www.mumo-uk.com
30. MURASPEC www.muraspec.com
31. NICK DAVIS THE FOUNDRY www.nickdavisart.com
32. NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY www.northumbria.ac.uk
33. PENNY SEUME www.pennyseume.co.uk
34. PHIL HARDAKER www.philhardaker.co.uk
35. PHILIP WATTS DESIGN www.philipwattsdesign.com
36. RAWSTUDIO LTD www.rawstudio.co.uk
37. SAMUAL HEATH+SONS PLC www.samuel-heath.co.uk (independent)
38. STUDIOMOLD T/A MINEHEART www.mineheart.com
39. SYCLICK T/A CHISLE & MOUSE www.chisleandmouse.com
40. TANIA JOHNSON www.taniajohnsondesign.com (independent)
41. THE LUXURY PLANTER COLLECTION www.luxuryplanters.com
42. TURNSTYLE DESIGNS www.turnstyle.com
43. WENDY MORRISON DESIGN www.wendymorrison.com
44. YUKARI SWEENEY www.yukarisweeneydesign.com
45. ZUZUNAGA www.zuzunaga.com

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