ICFF 2012
19.05.2012 - 22.05.2012
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Visit the British European Design Group Contingent at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair 2012 in Hall 1A from May 19-22.
The International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) is widely recognised as America’s leading event for contemporary interior design.
North America’s singular showcase for contemporary design, the ICFF draws the most intrepid seekers of design truth and design trends to an extraordinary exhibition of the most inspired models of design on the forefront.
For the four-day duration of the Fair, 145,000 net square feet (13,500 net square meters) of the Javits Center will be abuzz with more than 25,000 interior designers, architects, retailers, designers, manufacturers, representatives, distributors, and developers. On Tuesday, May 22, the ICFF opens its doors to the general public, as well.
"The 24th annual International Contemporary Furniture Fair will map the newest frontier of what’s best and what’s next in design at New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, May 19-22, 2012."
More than 500 exhibitors will display contemporary furniture, seating, carpet and flooring, lighting, outdoor furniture, materials, wall coverings, accessories, textiles, and kitchen and bath for residential and commercial interiors.
This assemblage of national and international exhibitors affords the chance to experience the most selective scope of the globe's finest, most creative, individual, and original avant-garde home and contract products – handily and temptingly showcased in one venue.
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
655 West 34th Street
New York, NY 10001, USA
Twitter: @icff
BEDG Participants:
1. AMINA TECHNOLOGIES LTD: www.amina.co.uk 2. ANABATEY: www.anabatey.co.uk 3. ANITA BELL RUGS: www.escapelandscaperugdesign.com 4. BLACK + BLUM LTD: www.black-blum.com 5. BOEME DESIGN: www.boeme.co.uk 6. CAMILLA MEIJER: www.camillameijer.com 7. CHARLENE MULLEN DESIGN: www.charlenemullen.com 8. CRAIG JENKINS DESIGNS: www.craigjenkinsdesigns.com 9. DAVID HAYWARD DESIGN LTD: www.davidhayward.com 10. DUPENNY: www.dupenny.com 11. EATON MADE IN ENGLAND: www.thelabradorcompany.co.uk 12. ELLA DORAN DESIGN: www.elladoran.co.uk 13. ELLI POPP: www.ellipopp.com 14. EMERALD FAERIE: www.emeraldfaerie.com 15. EMMA ELIZABETH DESIGNS: www.emmaelizabethdesigns.com 16. EVA SONAIKE: www.evasonaike.com 17. FANDINDO TEXTILES: www.fandindo.com 18. GINA PIERCE DESIGN: www.ginapiercedesign.co.uk 19. HANDMADE INTERIORS: www.handmade-interiors.co.uk 20. HOUSE OF HACKNEY LTD: www.houseofhackney.com 21. INFLATE PRODUCTS LTD: www.inflate.co.uk 22. INKA HOMECRAFTS: indukapahie@gmail.com 23. JEREMY COLE: www.jeremycole.net 24. JULIE KOUAMO: www.juliekouamo.com 25. LILITE by ALI SIAVOSHI: www.alialiali.com 26. LINDSAY ALKER FABRICS & WALLPAPERS: www.lindsayalker.com 27. MARC THARSIL: www.marctrotereau.com 28. MARGO SELBY LTD: www.margoselby.com 29. MELIN TREGWYNT MILL: www.melintregwynt.co.uk 30. MORAG MACPHERSON TEXTILES: www.moragmacpherson.com 31. MUMO LTD: www.mumo-uk.com 32. NAJA UTZON POPOV: www.najautzonpopov.com 33. NICK DAVIS THE FOUNDRY: www.nickdavisart.com 34. NICOLA BLAIZE CERAMICS: www.blaizeceramics.co.uk 35. NORTHUMBRIA: www.northumbria.ac.uk 36. NSM TRADING (NICK MUNRO): www.nickmunro.com 37. NYONYO & YAYRA: www.nyonyoandyayra.com 38. PENNY SEUME: www.pennyseume.co.uk 39. PIERRE OSPINA: www.pierreospina.net 40. RACHEL O’ NEILL: www.racheloneill.com 41. RAWSTUDIO LTD: www.rawstudio.co.uk 42. SONYA WINNER STUDIO: www.sonyawinner.com 43. TANIA JOHNSON DESIGN : www.taniajohnsondesign.com 44. THE LUXURY PLANTER: www.luxuryplanters.com 45. THE NEW ENGLISH PRODUCTS & DESIGN LTD: www.thenewenglish.co.uk 46. TOMOMI SAYUDA: www.tomomisayuda.com 47. YUKARI SWEENEY DESIGNS: www.yukarisweeney-design.com
Independent Participants:
48. JAKE DYSON LLP: www.jakedyson.com 49. SAMUEL HEATH & SONS PLC: www.samuel-heath.com 50. TOP FLOOR UK LTD: www.topfloorrugs.com 51. TRACY KENDALL WALLPAPER: www.tracykendall.com
"creative britain" Feature Stand:
52. ADJANI OKPU-EGBE: www.adjaniarts.com 53. ANITA QUANSAH: www.anitaquansah.com 54. BASIL OLTON: www.basilolton.com 55. BEZEM KASSAN: www.bezemymailan.com 56. EMAMOKE UKELEGHE: www.emamoke.com 57. GARY MARCH: garysculptor@hotmail.co.uk 58. HAZEL EKI AGGREY-ORLEANS: www.ekiorleans.com 59. HOLISTIC SILK: www.holisticsilk.com 60. JULIETTE GODDARD: www.creativewestsussex.com/juliette-goddard 61. MICHAEL MAPP: www.michaelmappphotography.co.uk 62. NATASHA GRAVES: www.ngraves.co.uk 64. YINKA ILORI: www.yinkailori.com
African & African-Caribbean Design Diaspora: www.aacdd.org