Adonis Pauli

Without the assistance of BEDG it would simply have been impossible for us to exhibit at ICFF. It has been a wonderful experience and a very successful show. Thanks!

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CIID 2007

06.11.2007 - 12.11.2007

Wuxi 2007

China (Wuxi) International Industrial Design Expo

British European Design Group Pavilion Represented Companies, Institutions and Associations Industrial & Product Design


China (Wuxi) International Industrial Design Expo
Wuxi, China


Ben Wilson Design, Chartered Society of Designers, China Link, Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, Cocoon, Inflate, Joseph O'Connor, Pearson Matthews, Priestman Goode, School of Graphic Design, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London, Stefan Knox/CS Chow - Bang Creations /Bang Creations Asia, Tim Stephens - BEDG & London College of Communication

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