Fandindo Textiles

The BEDG gave me the greatest opportunity in my professional life, I exhibited with them at ICFF New York in may 2012. The exposure to the industry, the contacts and the rest of the BEDG members who exhibited were the best motivators to keep going, never stop making and consider making life as a creative.

- Luisa Gil, Fandindo Textiles

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February 2005

Ambiente 2005

11.02.2005 - 15.02.2005



Frankfurter Messegelände
Frankfurt am Main, Germany


2pm, Aeri Oh, Ali Siahvoshi, Aran David, Bakebean Design, Benis Limited, Blue Marmalade Limited, Clerestory Glass, E+M Glass Limited, Freud Limited, Innermost, Jeremy Cole Limited, J-Me, John Wischhusen, Leonhard Pfeiffer, Material Girls, Rebecca Currie Design, Ruby Woo Glass, Simon Moore, T Squared, Tina Lilienthal, W2 Products, Yu Design