Andrew Tanner

The BEDG is a unique organisation with a passion for design at the heart of their foundation. I have exhibited with the group over the last decade and the BEDG have, and continue to be, an integral support structure for my company and many others alike. Perhaps an unsung hero in the journey of the designer and maker but never to be underestimated for their strength, determination and vision in supporting emerging and established British talent.

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Comment by Chris Romer-Lee | 16.10.2010

studio octopi architects have just sent display boards to Madrid to participate in the European 40 Under 40 exhibition at the Madrid Symposium. We're hoping this gives us a look into work in Europe and beyond.

Comment by Pernille Picherit Géraldine Besnard | 11.08.2010

Châto&co is looking very much forward to exhibiting at Maison&Objet in Paris in September with BEDG. We've been abroad with BEDG several times now, and are always very happy about the shows; great stand location, easy acces for the companies and interesting prices! AND always a lot of visitors!! Great work Karin and Pamela!

Comment by Judith Tatar | 04.08.2010

Tatar Art + Projects (formerly Tatar Gallery) invite all professional and emerging artists to submit their work for inclusion at our new location at 300 King Street East, Toronto. This hybrid space breaks from the traditional art gallery format and will serve as a platform where contemporary art and design are allied and interdependent. For more info please visit:

Comment by Elin Isaksson | 01.08.2010

I design & Make blown glass, Im looking to collaborate with a Scottish lighting designer. I have recently set up my own glass blowing studio in Alloa!