I have exhibited a few times over the years with the BEDG and they are the best. The people who are involved are brilliant and so to are the designers. There is a real atmosphere of being part of a team, Friendships are easily born and I am pretty sure will last a very long time. A unique experience never forgotten.

- Rahim Salam

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'turn' demitasse
'slide' cup and saucer
'click' tea cup tipped
'Click' tea cup full
Company emmalacey
Website http://www.emmalacey.com/
E-mail address info@emmalacey.com
Street 59 elmar road
Postal code N15 5DH
City London
Country United Kingdom
Phone number 07769 903 912
Cell phone number 07769 903 912
First name Emma
Last name Lacey

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