Ali Siahvoshi

BEDG is an apportunity to introduce your ideas internationally. I have benefited greatly from their help and thanks to exhibiting with them my design work was introduced to different companies and at present my works are in a production in Germany with Anthologie Quartett and in Italy with Fabbian.

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Company Country  
"Architecture & Design" [ru] Russian Federation
131 Design Ltd [uk] United Kingdom
18th Century Furniture, 18th Century Furniture Styles :Thakeham Furniture, Horsham, Sussex, UK [uk] United Kingdom
3form Design [uk] United Kingdom
5ml collective [uk] United Kingdom
AAREVALO LTD [uk] United Kingdom
aaronkearneydesign [uk] United Kingdom
Abigail Borg [uk] United Kingdom
Absolute Appetite [uk] United Kingdom
Accent APS [dk] Denmark
Accord Industrial Design Ltd [uk] United Kingdom
AF Designs - Bespoke Handcrafted Furniture & Lighting [uk] United Kingdom
AIRE [uk] United Kingdom
Akademie für Betriebsmanagement Möbelbau + Innenraumgestaltung [de] Germany
Alanostudio [us] United States
Alex Randall Bespoke Lighting [uk] United Kingdom
Alexander Mueller [uk] United Kingdom
Allport Design [uk] United Kingdom
Amina Technologies Ltd [uk] United Kingdom