Nick Davis

I just wanted to say thank you for taking us again to NY for the ICFF. I've had a very enthusiastic response from people regarding my acid etched work and I'll hopefully be working with a showroom called Design Lush in the New York Design Centre. I've actually had offers to show my work in 4 showrooms in New York but I feel Design Lush is the best suited for my work. I've also had 2 London design galleries approach me to show my work. I thought the show was very good this year, many people that came to the stand said they found the British section the most exciting of the show.

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The British European Design Group’s activities to date in the PRC and organisational links of the BEDG in China

The British European Design Group’s 2012 Outward Mission to the China International Creative Design Week 2012
The British European Design Group’s 2012 Outward Mission to the China International Creative Design Week 2012

Since 2001 the BEDG has succeeded in building up excellent long-term links and direct collaboration with some of the most important associations, organisations, institutions and companies working in various disciplines of the creative industries both in public and private sectors in the PRC.

Through these partnerships the BEDG has been able to access not only rare co-sponsorship and co-hosting of UKTI funded events in China and the UK but is also able to establish high profile direct contacts for UK companies wishing to start business relations in the PRC.

Organisation of event logistics, incl. Travel, accommodation and locations

The BEDG has successfully organised a vast number of different events in many parts of the world requiring complex logistics with regard to preparations, shipping, insurance and travel logistics, setting-up and dismantling organisation, lending agreements, participants’ technical and practical support prior, during and after the events, negotiations with local organisers, museums, organisations and institituions as well as promotional campaigns and special exhibitions, curated exhibitions, conferences, seminars, scoping missions and market research.

Provision of specialist speakers, industry representatives and consultants

The BEDG has a proven track record of high level contacts and credibility in the creative industries and can access some of the best specialists in the individual sectors through its own network of associates.

Marketing of events and opportunities

The BEDG has initiated and organised some of the most successful campaigns and trade and other events from a publicity and promotional point of view.


-个独特的组织以-个独特的使命: 向世界推广创意

1991年- 2012年: 超过127 个国际贸易博览会、策划105个展览、69个国际研讨会、会议、 和内、外文化交流团。

作为一个肩负特殊使命的特殊团体,位于伦敦的英国欧洲设计协会为推动英国创意产业优秀设计人才的发展做出了突出贡献。本协会是由在德国出生的资深市场顾问 卡琳-比特·菲利普斯女士(Karin-Beate Phillips)于1991年创办的。自创建以来,本协会在推动英国创意产业在欧洲大陆和东欧、北美洲、澳洲、阿拉伯联合酋长国和中华人民共和国的发展方面取得了巨大的成功。英国欧洲设计协会有助于在英国和外国设计师、制造者和机构之间、建立专业、持久的联系和链接,并且协助各种各样的设计寻找制造潜力。





英国欧洲设计协会在世界各地成功地组织了许多活动,这些活动往往涉及复杂的后勤安排,包括活动准备、运输、保险、物流、机构建立及撤销、签署租赁合同、为 活动参与者提供从前期到后期的技术与实践支持,与当地组织者、博物馆和机构进行沟通与谈判。此外,本协会还通过举办系列宣传活动、为客户量身定制展览会、 商业会谈、研讨会,开展市场调查及实践活动。






设计管理 -- 建立在全球化市场环境下创意服务,设计研发和教育,以及制造业的长期合作
