
It was great for Dupenny to have the opportunity to exhibit to a whole new market in the US. Being part of the BEDG was less stressful than going it alone because we had the support of the whole group who were in the same boat as us. Still early days since the show but we're positive we will see a lot more business from the US and we hope to return for more fun next year!

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A point of celebration is required to demonstrate the quality of creative thinking derived from London’s and the UK’s small but significant African and African-Caribbean* design community. This should provide a positive insight into design skills, engage and inspire others and create a promotional platform for designers working in London, the UK, Africa and the Caribbean.

The African and African-Caribbean Design Diaspora is a three year initiative of the British European Design Group (BEDG) to promote the creative skills and commercial potential of ethnic minorities of African and African-Caribbean descent in the UK and their creative counterparts in Africa and the Caribbean.

Co-funded by the Arts Council England/Lottery Fund and supported by the London Design Festival, the Initiative will run alongside the London Design Festival and the 2012 Olympics, with its final in September 2013.

You can find further details on the AACDD Festival Series on www.aacdd.org